West London Counselling and Hypnotherapy Bridget Rattigan

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a session last?
Counselling, psychotherapy and EMDR sessions last for 50 minutes. (EMDR processing of a specific issue usually takes more than one session.) Standard hypnotherapy sessions last for one and a quarter hours. If you wish to experience past life or interlife regression the length of the session can be considerably longer.

How much do you charge?
The fee is £90 for individual counselling and psychotherapy during the daytime and £95 for an evening session (after 5pm). For couples work the fee is £100 during the daytime and £110 after 5pm. Separate fees apply for EMDR and current, past life and interlife regression. My fee for supervision is £90 per hour during the daytime and £95 in the evening. Please contact me for further details.

How do you work?
The way we work together will depend on you and what you need. Whether we work together short or long term I offer an open, supportive and non-judgemental atmosphere. This means you can bring any issue that is affecting you no matter how challenging it feels.

What outcome can I expect?
There are no guarantees, but generally people feel better fairly quickly after seeing a counsellor. The fact that they have begun to work on their problems tends to improve their self-esteem. People often report feeling that they are better able to communicate with others and more assertive after counselling. Most importantly, they feel better able to create the life they want. The counsellor's support and the feeling that they are not "going it alone" can also help.

Do you give counselling over the telephone or online?
Yes I offer telephone counselling and counselling via Zoom. Please contact me to find out more.

Is our work together confidential?
I am bound by the Code of Ethics and Practice of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. I am also bound by the Code of Ethics of the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. That means everything you say is confidential, apart from rare exceptions which apply to all therapists and counsellors, and which we can discuss at our first meeting. In addition I undertake regular supervision of my work, always keeping a client's identity anonymous.

How do I book an appointment?
Having made contact (usually by telephone), we agree a time and date for an initial session which offers you an opportunity to get a sense of whether you wish to proceed or not. This session is chargeable at the same rate as outlined above. If we decide together that I can be of help, then we will set an agreed time and date for further sessions. If you feel after the initial session that you do not wish to continue, you are under no obligation to do so.

What's the difference between counselling and hypnotherapy?
In a nutshell, hypnotherapy involves going into a deeply relaxed state to help you get in touch with deeply held emotions that might be holding you back. Counselling and psychotherapy tend to be longer term and address issues that revolve around relationships and patterns of relating and communicating. I am happy to work with both modalities when it is useful for the client. My training and experience as a psychotherapist can make the hypnotherapy more containing and effective.

How many counselling or psychotherapy sessions will I need?
This is difficult to say without meeting but my aim is to see you for as few sessions as you need. Sometimes there can be relief in a few sessions simply by feeling understood and going on to make the necessary changes, particularly if the issue is of recent origin. For issues that are longer term we may need to do additional work. We can review on a regular basis and you are free to stop at any time.

Do I have to pay if I cancel?
You need to give 48 hours notice to cancel a session, otherwise the full fee is payable.

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